Send recurring email
under review
Jim Newberry
Yes, I too am very hopeful that this feature will be added. We are paying/using another service (Boomerang for Gmail). Since Mailbutler already has "scheduled" emails - a recurring email would be incredibly helpful for working in Apple Mail. We send emails to our staff both daily and weekly. Thanks for your consideration.
Anthony Hadeed
Yes, this would be a very useful feature and one that Boomerang for Outlook has. However, that product allows the smallest interval of recurrence to be daily and not hourly or even minutes. This can be achieved using Microsoft's Power Automate but it takes some knowledge to achieve that (see attached screenshot). If Mailbutler adds that feature in its UI with the frequency of recurrence as small as every 5 minutes, then your product will stand out head and shoulders above the competition.
yep pls ,pls,pls,we need this
Gary Boad
Yes this would be great to set up a chain of email replys automatically from a group of templates
Sorin Silivestru
Yes. This recurring feature is very good feature. I also need to send email reminders to my team every month.
Matthias Holzmann
Yes, good idea!
Merged in a post:
recurring on same day of week
Jerry Ann Yoder
I'd love to be able to schedule a monthly recurring email for a same day of the week.
under review
Anais for Horus CR
Fabian: I confirm that it would be appreciated! For my part, I would need to choose the period (1 year, 10 months sometimes...).
Anais for Horus CR, could you give us some insights what you would use this feature for?
Anais for Horus CR
Fabian: For example, I must remind customers of the expiry of their licenses.
John Bluemle
You already give us the ability to schedule an email & the next step should be scheduling a recurring email. This function would be greatly appreciated!
John, could you give us some examples how you would use this feature?
Fabian: send out marketing emails on seasonal events, eg. 20% discount during the christmas holidays. Or every month reply to the coffee morning group meet up.