Tagging email threads + multiple emails
under review
Cliff Thier
And, two kinds of tags: "Projects" and "Tasks" tags.
For example, if you are working for a client, XYZ Corporation, you could add the "XYZ Corp." project tag to emails you receive or send. "Projects" tags could be assigned colors from a color wheel.
Then, if you are producing a brochure for that client, you could add "Design" and "Print" tags to those emails dealing with those discrete tasks.
Maurice S.
I agree
Iuliia Artemeva
Merged in a post:
It would be great to have an option in which replies to tagged messages would inherit these same tags. This would also allow easily to tag email threads (a previous request of mine).
F. Fendt
It would be great to have an option in which replies to tagged messages would inherit these same tags. This would also allow easily to tag email threads (a previous request of mine).
Iuliia Artemeva
Merged in a post:
Allow to tag multiple emails at once
Alaska Richter
I like many features of MailButler and would without doubt have wished to continue my subscription had you implemented your tagging feature to allow whole conversations or multiple mails to be tagged simultaneously. I love being able to apply a tag to an email but the workflow becomes impossible when each email has to be tagged simultaneously. I know you have told me in the past that this was a feature your team were hoping to address but I’ve seen no time line when this might happen.
Iuliia Artemeva
under review
Iuliia Artemeva
Merged in a post:
Add Tags to multiple emails
I am using Apple Mail, is there a way to apply tags to multiple messages at once? I have a Smart Folder that I use to keep paid invoices in, but I would like to use a paid tag to replace it and simply file the invoice in the vendor folder. Then moving forward I could just mark an Invoice as paid and get it out of my inbox.
Richard Jokela
Absolutely the most useful improvement, including adding notes to multiple emails. Above all having rules that could add the above to incoming emails.
John Fisher
Absolutely the most useful and versatile improvement
Gerry Stutters
Yes, automatically adding tags to multiple emails in the same train would be helpful. It is tedious with several exchanges of emails on the go with different contacts having to manually backtrack.
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